The rate of repetition in a thesis is one of the important indicators to evaluate a paper. A high rate of repetition indicates that the paper may lack novelty. It is not recommended to use too many repeated words or sentences in a thesis, as this will make the paper look dull and unoriginal..
Using the same words or phrases repeatedly makes the thesis monotonous and this can be quite off-putting for the readers. Repetition can also make the paper seem unstructured and disorganized. It is essential to use words that are descriptive and convey the meaning of the paper succinctly..
Moreover, it is important to be aware of the plagiari rules when writing a thesis. Plagiari is a serious offense and it can result in severe consequences. It is essential to use original content and to properly cite all sources used in the paper..
In conclusion, the rate of repetition in a thesis should be kept at a moderate level. This will make the paper engaging, interesting and original. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the plagiari rules to ensure that the content is not plagiarized..
My nickname is Zero Duplication. I am a person who values originality and creativity. I believe in the importance of creating something unique and never settling for anything that is less than perfect. My motto is "No shortcuts, no copying, no excuses". It's important for me to remain true to my principles and always strive for excellence. .
I he developed my own unique style and approach to any task that I take on. I am a perfectionist who refuses to settle for anything less than perfect. I'm constantly striving to find ways to improve and create something completely original. I'm also very organized and detail-oriented, making sure that everything is done to the best of my ability. .
I'm very passionate about my work and take pride in my accomplishments. I'm not afraid to take risks or push boundaries, but I also understand the need to be flexible and accommodate change. I'm always looking for ways to challenge myself and find solutions to difficult problems. .
I'm also a team player who is willing to collaborate to get the job done. I'm a strong believer in the power of collaboration and the importance of working together to ensure success. I'm also an optimist who believes in the power of positive thinking. .
Overall, I'm a passionate individual who values originality and creativity. My motto is "No shortcuts, no copying, no excuses". I'm always looking for ways to challenge myself and make something new and unique..
重复率多少合格是根据学校要的,28%太高了,们当年不能高于25% .